Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Design Improvements

With the primary research helping with a more realistic design, I've taken screen shots of my first models from the start of BA7 until the end with a final standard design. The first lot of images will be my first models. These got across the simplicity and connection problems fixed which I was able to continue with throughout the design.

Continuing with the same style, I have decided to add railings to make it look more original in the retro wooden coaster design. The railings also help with the health and safety aspect of the ride.

Primary Research

After taking some pictures for primary research from Yarmouth's Pleasure Beach in Norwich, my design has changed significantly. Iv'e re designed the tracks and cart to fit for better movement around corners. The cart has been changed but is still going through a tough design process for the best solution. The track has be partly re designed with adding new components to make it look believable. From this research I have gained a great amount of research to back up my logic behind building this roller coaster. Using these images as reference material and primary research, it enables me to take design from real world structures for a more realistic design.